Mi gana' am waed yr Oen
Mi gana'm waed yr Oen

1,(2,(3,4));  1,3,(4).
(Gwaed Crist yn puro'r gydwybod)
Mi gana' am waed yr Oen,
  Er maint yw
      'mhoen a' mhla;
Ni cheisia'n wyneb calon ddu,
  Ond Iesu'r Meddyg da;
Fy mlino ge's gan hon,
  A'i throion chwerwon chwith,
Ond dyma'm sail i am lanhad -
  Y cariad bery byth.

Cyfiawnder marwol glwy, 
  A haeddiant dwyfol loes,
Y pris, y gwerth,
    a'r aberth drud, 
  A dalwyd ar y groes, 
A gliria 'meiau'n llwyr, 
  A'm golcha'n hyfryd lân: 
Ac nid oes arall dan y nef 
  A'm nertha i fyn'd yn mlaen.

Byth boed maddeuant rhad,
  Trwy werthfawr waed yr Oen,
Yn destun moliant ym mhob man.
  I mi sy dan fy mhoen:
Yr anthem faith ei hyd,
  Fo i gyd am Galfari.
A'r Iachawdwriaeth fawr ei dawn,
  Ddaeth un prydnawn i mi.

Dangosir im' bob dydd
  Gan amgylchiadau'r byd,
Mai cyfnewidiol ydyw dyn,
  Ond Duw sy'r un o hyd:
Trwy ei gynorthwy Ef,
  Sy'n noddfa gref i'r gwan,
Caf finau dd'od 'mhen gronyn bach
  O'r tonau'n iach i'r lan.
gana' am :: gana'm
Er maint yw 'mhoen :: Er maint fy mhoen
a' mhla :: a'm pla
Ni cheisia'n wyneb :: Ni cheisia'i wyneb :: 'Does genny'n ŵyneb
ge's :: ges
throion :: throeon
Ond dyma'm sail :: Fy unig sail i
am lanhad :: am y wlad
Y cariad :: Yw'r cariad

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Aberdar (Alaw Ellmynig)
Amana (John H Roberts)
Olewydd / Olivet (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Eden (Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)
Foelallt (M O Jones 1841-1908)
St Barbabas (J H Schein 1568-1630)
St Martin (George W Martin c.1825-81)
Vermont (<1811)

Tôn [MB 6686]:
St Michael (William Crotch 1775-1847)

  Ar grasdir crindir cras
  Byth boed maddeuant rhad
  Cyfiawnder marwol glwy
  Fe 'nillodd Iesu'r dydd
  Mi welaf fyrdd dan sel
  O Arglwydd tyr'd i lawr
  O gwrando weddi'r tlawd
  'Rwy' yn terfynu 'nghred
  'Rwy'n gorwedd dan fy mhwn
  'Rwy'n ofni'm nerth yn ddim
  Yr iachawdwriaeth rad

(The blood of Christ purifying the conscience)
I will sing about the blood of the Lamb,
  Though extensive is
      my pain and my plague;
My face of a black heart seeks none,
  But Jesus the good physician;
I got wearied by this,
  And its bitter, sinister twists,
But here is my basis for cleansing:
  The love which endures forever.

The righteousness of of a mortal wound,
  And the merit of divine anguish,
The price, the worth,
    and the costly sacrifice,
  Were paid on the cross,
Which clears my sins totally,
  And washes me delightfully clean;
And there is no other under heaven
  Who strengthens me to go on.

Let free forgiveness,
  Through the precious blood of the Lamb,
Be ever the theme of praise everywhere.
  For me who am under my pain:
The anthem of great extent,
  Be all about Calvary.
And the Salvation of great power,
  Which came one afternoon to me.

It appears to me every day
  With the circumstances of the world,
That changeable is man,
  But it is God who is still the same:
Through His help,
  Which is a strong refuge for the weak,
I myself may come after a little while
  From the waves safely to the shore.
Though extensive is my pain :: Despite the extent of my pain
My face ... seeks :: My face ... seeks :: My face ... does not have
But here is my basis :: My only basis
for cleansing :: for the land
The love :: Is the love

tr. 2010,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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